O&G Vacuum Extractor
Obstetrical Instrument
Menox Vacuum Extractor
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The Soft Vacuum Extractor Cup Autoclavable
The main indication for the “SILC-CUP” is to assist and shorten prolonged second stage of labour.
Conditions for Successful user of the “SILC-CUP” :
– Vertex presentation
– Ruptured membranes
– The feel head at, or just above, the pelvic floor.
Conditions for Successful user of the “SILC-CUP” :
– Malpresentation (face, brow, breech, transverse or oblique lie).
– Cephalopelvic disproportion.
– Prolonged and heavy traction is anticipated.
Available in Two Sizes :
Ref.No. 50000 “SILC-CUP” of silicone rubber, 60 mm diameter, complete with 1.5m silicone tubing.
Ref.No. 50000 “SILC-CUP” of silicone rubber, 50 mm diameter, complete with 1.5m silicone tubing.
Ref.No. 10234 MENOX spare tubing, 1.5 m.
Ref.No. 50000 “SILC-CUP” of silicone rubber, 60 mm diameter, complete with 1.5m silicone tubing.
Ref.No. 50000 “SILC-CUP” of silicone rubber, 50 mm diameter, complete with 1.5m silicone tubing.
Ref.No. 10234 MENOX spare tubing, 1.5 m.