Disinfectants Surface
Surface Sanitisers are certified for bacteria while disinfectants are certified to do more like treat surfaces for viruses, mold, mildew and fungi.
Showing all 14 results
Melintex® Isopropyl Alcohol
Melintex® Isopropyl Alcohol Surface Disinfectant Spray
$9.00 -
Septanol Surface Disinfectant
Denatured Alcohol
Actichlor Disinfectant Tablets
$54.50 -
Presept Disinfectant Tablets
Medizar Hard Surface Sanitiser
Medizar Wipe 200s, 30 Day Protection
Rexoguard Disinfectant
$38.20 -
Alcohol Swab
$5.30 – $6.50 -
Isopropyl Alcohol Surface Wipe
CLINELL Universal Range
Mikrozid sensitive wipes
$30.00 -
Mikrozid AF wipes